About the name: ‘Shipping Lane’
A shipping lane is a designated sea route with mandatory regulations to avoid collision. They originated more than a century ago and the regulations resulted from tragic accidents. Regulations or not, you need vigilance to stay safe.
About the credo: ‘A constant bearing on safety’
In navigation it’s called a ‘constant bearing’ (decreasing range) when an approaching object (e.g. a ship) is observed from a ship while maintaining the same relative bearing. If this situation continues, it will result in a collision. ‘A constant bearing on safety’ emphasizes the importance of including safety and safe behaviour in everything we do.
About the logo: A ‘street sign’
Whilst mariners will recognise ‘shipping lane’ and ‘a constant bearing’ immediately, landlubbers probably won’t, but anybody will recognize the street sign. This is exemplary for the misunderstanding commonly felt between ships crew and office staff.
About: Arie van der Harst, Tech IOSH
I provide logical and practical solutions for apparent complex situations. My maritime, offshore and onshore (HSEQ) experience enables me to provide optimum solutions for ship’s crew, office- and project staff with mutual understanding. I’m an open-minded, social person that can get along well and respect various cultures. My motto is: ‘work hard, play hard, rest hard, be outspoken and open’.
About: Shipping Lane
Shipping Lane was founded on 2-2-2002 and is the trade name of my company through which I deliver (HSEQ) consultancy for on-, and offshore projects in oil & gas and renewable energy worldwide.
Disclaimer: I work for clients but anything I write or display here represents my own personal views.
About my CV:
CV Shipping Lane Arie van der Harst rev.2023-01
Disclaimer: I work for clients but anything I write or display here represents my own personal views.